First Hunt Foundation Recruits Clint Allen as Its New CFO
May 20, 2024

First Hunt Foundation President Rick Brazell announced they have just recruited Clint Allen as their new Chief Financial Officer. Brazell said, “The Foundation has been looking for a long time for a person to help us with our finances as we continue to grow. I’m excited to have someone with Clint’s credentials helping guide our efforts. The fact that he’s an avid outdoorsman and hunter make it even better since he already lives our mission of training the next generation of hunters.”

The CFO position serves as the national leader for First Hunt Foundation regarding financial, accounting, and investment activities in support of the Foundation’s mission. Clint will work with the national and state leaders and the Board of Directors in developing and implementing financial policies to guide FHF. His position serves as a full member on the National Leadership Team.

The CFO position, like all others within the First Hunt Foundation, is totally a voluntary position with no set hours nor salary. FHF is unique for a large, national non-profit organization in that it has no paid employees. Clint is a full-time employee of Vista Outdoor where he has worked for 9 years in progressive roles within finance department and is currently the Accounting Senior Manager in The Kinetic Group operating segment.

The CFO ensures sound financial management and investment practices that support organizational growth, financial stability, and community impact goals. Clint will be tasked with seeking ways to continuously improve FHF’s investment and finance program to expand opportunities. Like all CFO’s, he will help ensure organizational compliance with relevant laws and tax obligations and help manage organizational risks and liabilities. Clint will work with the Foundation President to identify, establish, and maintain funds, and to provide other products and services that meet donors’ philanthropic goals. Likewise, he will partner with the Program Directors to ensure proper recording and auditing of fundraising activities and expenditures. Clint may also assemble an administrative team, training and guiding the work of multiple specialists and related staff as needed. Clint will be looking for an assortment of specialists to help on his new team. Positions such as grant writers, accounting manager, financial analyst, and controller will be needed. If interested in working with Clint, reach out to him at

When asked about what stood out to him regarding the opportunity, Clint said, “Experiencing the outdoors with friends and family has been a core part of my identity my entire life. To be able to be involved with an organization that so closely aligns with the things I’m passionate about, including hunting and helping people find success in learning new skills, is something I’m really excited about. I’m looking forward to jumping in and helping!”

Brazell added, “I am super excited to have someone who will oversee organizational budgeting and reporting and who will help prepare our annual budgets and routine expenditure reports. Likewise, a lot of the large grants ask for audit reports, and we know Clint will help us get those organized and completed.”