The Mule Deer Foundation

The mission of the Mule Deer Foundation is to ensure the conservation of mule deer, black-tailed deer and their habitat.

Their goals are:

  • To restore, improve and protect mule deer habitat (including land and easement acquisitions) resulting in self-sustaining, healthy, free ranging and huntable deer populations.
  • To encourage and support responsible wildlife management with government agencies, private organizations and landowners.
  • To promote public education and scientific research related to mule deer and wildlife management.
  • To support and encourage responsible and ethical behavior and awareness of issues among those whose actions affect mule deer.
  • To support regulated hunting as a viable component of mule deer and black-tailed deer conservation.
  • To develop programs that focus on recruitment and retention of youth into the shooting sports and conservation.

RECRUITMENT, RETENTION AND REACTIVATION (R3): The Mule Deer Foundation has a organized, easy-to-navigate website which enables new and experienced hunters to identify local, state, and national opportunities through the Mule Deer Foundation to grow as a hunter and conservationist.

One key area on their website is their social media page which includes a link to the soon-to-premier #PROJECTMULEDEER, which is a robust video series dedicated to educating hunters and the general public about the mule deer.

CONSERVATION PARTNER EDUCATION SERIES: The Mule Deer Foundation has a firm opinion on many conservation topics. They state their position clearly here. The Mule Deer Foundation is also a terrific place to learn just about anything you ever wanted to know about mule deer with a thorough and easy-to-navigate Mule Deer Facts page.