MAR 11, 2024

Keep Talkin

Right now is the time for enemies to become allies. For decades, zealots in the name of conservation and environmentalism have been the bane of hunters exercising their constitutional freedoms. In the name of conservation, armchair lawmakers have hammered at keyboards, attacking hunting as an unethical means of killing without purpose.

Meanwhile, spanning the decades of the 1960s through the 1990s, hunters quietly took the abuse while the purchase of their firearms and ammunition paid for the very programs to ensure conservation and proliferation of species. Nowhere has this taffy-pulling discomfort and downright nastiness been more evident than in the heartland, the birthplace of modern conservation. Aldo Leopold, the Godfather of species management, would be rolling over in his grave if he knew his legacy was a harbinger of a fight he never wanted. The anti-hunting movement often used Leopold’s ideas to attack harvesting freedoms, but little did many know, Leopold was a die-hard hunter and angler. These are the legacies explored and celebrated on the Fowl Life Midwest podcast and The Fowl Life's hub in Wisconsin, the center of the Midwest.

Never did I realize when TFL brought an eight-man crew to Wisconsin that I would be hunting and staying with former Wisconsin House Representative Joel Kleefisch and his wife, former Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch, and they would be our key to the Midwest Canada goose migration. The symbiosis between the fowl life mission and Wisconsin's waterfowl treasure was a match made in heaven. Joel’s outdoor policy knowledge as former head of Wisconsin's natural resource committee, dedication to his passion for hunting, and past Emmy-nominated television career made him the perfect host for the establishment of the Midwest hub for The Fowl Life. Drawing on the extensive exposure of The Fowl Life worldwide, we've partnered with Travel Wisconsin and the Department of Tourism to draw the foremost experts in everything outdoors to highlight Wisconsin as a must-go-to destination.

This partnership is the perfect catalyst for philosophies from the left to the right to find common ground in organic eating, harvesting, conservation, and species management. There is no bigger opportunity to highlight every element of the outdoors and eliminate the consternation between environmental success and population management for the purpose of enjoying Wisconsin and putting food on the table. Travel Wisconsin guests and Joel dig into the tough issues and discern why Wisconsin, replete with natural resources, is the perfect model for common ground.

If you're not afraid of controversy, want to be a part of the solution, and believe your rights should be guaranteed, the Fowl Life podcast Midwest series is a must-listen.