MAR 11, 2024

Letter From The EditorĀ 

I have some exciting news! The Hunting Wire is now weekly!

This is a significant milestone for us. I want to thank our outdoor industry for the years of support, contributions, advice, and encouragement that helped build The Hunting Wire into the award-winning product it is today.

I also want to thank my publishers, Jim Shepherd and Alex Miceli, for their patience and latitude in evolving The Hunting Wire to provide compelling news, information, advocacy, and leadership for our community. Additionally, I want to thank the fellow editors and support staff at The Outdoor Wire Digital Network for their help. Every edition of our Wires is a team effort.

Lastly, I want to thank my wife, Wendy, and my daughter, Brenn, for their support and patience with me over the years. As most of you in our profession would agree, this isn't a job - it's a lifestyle, and it's one that has seen me writing, editing, and networking well beyond office hours, during holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, and more. "Sorry, I need five more minutes, honey," will probably be on my tombstone.

As we transition to a weekly edition, expect The Hunting Wire to be more concise and for content staples like The Voice of Leadership Panel, Chad Belding's Keep Talkin column, and feature stories, reviews, and guest articles to run independently. Doing this helps give our outstanding content better focus and lets us keep the news and information we share much more timely.

This week's edition features a marvelous Voice of Leadership Panel (VoLP) essay by Jon Zinnel from Federal. He not only talks turkey with us but also gives us a glimpse into his parenting style as a father, hunter, and outdoor leader in our community.

We paired Jon's piece with Chad Belding's own leadership moment woven into his column, Keep Talkin.

Next week, neither the VoLP nor Keep Talkin will run, but they will return in the following issue. As we build this new publication schedule, please expect some more changes as I balance the editorial look and feel moving forward.

Again - thank you for helping The Hunting Wire continue to grow. It is my honor and privilege to serve as your editor.

— Jay Pinsky