NOV 21, 2022   |   Letter from the Editor

It's my favorite time of the year! The rut is on in many parts of the country!

I hope you are busy chasing your wild game of choice this season with your friends, family, or alone - if that suits you. Hunting can and is something unique to every one of us. Maybe it's your time to push your fitness, mental toughness, or shooting ability. Maybe it's coveted time with your family, or hunting is your scheduled alone time you need to rest, reset, and regroup for the life you live outside of the woods. No matter, hunting can be just about anything to anyone - so long as we ensure it is available to everyone.

If you have questions or concerns or want to chat, don't hesitate to contact me at

Wendy, Allie, and I wish your family the best this Thanksgiving. We hope you have a great hunt.

Happy Thanksgiving,
